
John Olsen
Goya's Dog

11 June - 27 November 2021
National Art School, Darlinghurst

Goya’s Dog begins in Spain during the mid-1950’s when John Olsen experienced significant influences of Spanish culture, poetry and music. That time opened a door for the young, emerging Olsen to explore a darker, and perhaps a more vulnerable side, to his personality and experience. Olsen returned to Sydney and then back again to Spain in the mid-1960’s where his palette became dynamic and bold. The exhibition also features Olsen’s work from the '70s, '80s and '90s.

Images courtesy of the National Art School > view more NAS

Interview with the Artist
Interview with John Olsen in his studio prior to the opening of Goya's Dog exhibition at the National Art School.
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Walkthrough of the exhibition John Olsen: Goya's Dog, showing until end November 2021.
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Please note: Works may no longer be available as shown and prices may be subject to change to reflect current market value. Please contact the gallery for assistance. Thank you

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