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Valerie Marshall Strong Olsen
A Rare Sensibility
Author Tim Olsen and Louise Olsen with Kylie Norton
Publisher Tim and Louise Olsen
(ISBN 978-0-646-84150-2)
Published in 2021
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In a tribute to their mother Valerie Strong, Tim and Louise Olsen have curated this exhibition of her work ranging from the 1950s to 2004, drawn from their personal collection and most never seen before in public. Valerie was a dedicated artist and teacher in her lifetime but did not paint to sell or show her work commercially. This is the chance to rediscover the rare talent and sensibility of an extraordinary artist, a star student at the National Art School who, with her then husband John Olsen, created an extraordinary artistic family.
“The thing that never ceases to amaze me is the world around me, that is, the external world, is just the birth and growth, the whole of life, of plants, of humanity, and the birth of time: I’m not interested in what has happened or what will happen, but the instantaneous moment, what will happen.”
— Valerie Strong, interview with Hazel de Borg, 1965